Update Rule and Regulation
SVHC (Substances of very High Concern)
Nowadays, no cosmetics manufacturer / operatoe exporting or planning to export their products to European Union countries, would have heard the word REACH. It stands for Registration Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals. REACH is the EU law that regulates registration, evaluation and permission of all chemicals within EU countries. Furthermore , it limits the use, production and trade of chemicals for producers and importers of those chemicals. In short , it is an integrated system controlling all chemicals produced, used and imported within the European countries. Its main objective is to protect health and well-being of people and environment from chemical use and increase the competitive potential amongst chemical industry within European Union. It helps promote research and development in the industry. This website would like to introduce Substances of Very High Concern as preliminary information for those interested in producing and exporting their products to the EU countries.
Chemicals within the scope of SVHC are as follows :
1. Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or Toxic to Reproduction (CMR) type 1 or 2, categorized in Appendix 1-6 of REACH
2. PBT ( Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic ) and vPvB ( very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative ) as regulated in Annex XIII of REACH
3. Endocrine disruptors
4. Other chemicals posing health and environmental threat equal to the abovementioned chemicals.
You can study and download the complete version of REACH From the link below.
For further information on REACH, please click at